Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Power Of Follow-ups In Lead Generation

If there is one action that a lot of marketers tend to forget in the course of their B2B lead generation campaign, then it has to be the part after the initial appointment setting call – the follow-up. A lot of marketers forget that a follow-up call is very important in establishing a firmer position in the minds of business prospects and potential sales leads. You cannot believe just how many profitable deals are missed when you forget to call a business prospects on time, or in an orderly manner. If you want to be effective in fielding prospects, you need to know just how to follow up.
  1. Offer something new – after that initial sales call or after a deal is signed, try calling your customers and offer them some new or useful information, usually for free. This establishes you firmly into the minds of your prospects as reliable.
  2. Be ready to answer – sometimes, a telemarketing follow-up can provide your prospects or customers an opportunity to voice their concerns. Use that as a chance to answer their fears or provide them with useful service, increasing the chance of turning them into B2B leads.
  3. Tact – you also need to know when it is a bad time to call. If the prospect is busy, tell them that you understand and that you will call them at a later time.
A piece of advice: always be on time. Business owners and entrepreneurs value their time highly, and it will be bad for your lead generation campaign to miss
your appointment.

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